Actually, you are trying to distort the facts. The passages you cited do not prove your words.
"Thou shalt have no other Gods before Me"
Number 1 on the list. Number 1.
So it is pretty clear that worshiping another god is *the* worst thing above all else.
From my own experience (without reference to scriptures and all that) I can tell that atheists and their kind are considered sinners of higher magnitude for being such than followers of another religion.
From your own experience? What is that meant to mean? We are talking about the opinion of gods, here, something only found in their respective 'Holy' scriptures, preferably dictated by illiterate goat-herders, then refined, edited and generally cherry-picked over hundreds of years to add to a collection of mismatched fables according to the goals of whichever Church was producing it, of course.
How come your experience matters? Citation please Mr God-Like.
Even in Ancient Rome it didn't matter which gods you offered prayers to as long as you did pray...
That would be why, exactly? Social norms are dictated by human beings, refusing to pray would single you out as a potentially dangerous free-thinker and not likely to be controlled like the rest of the sheep. You have failed to make the connection to WhatGodWants(tm) and are only referencing cultural norms of the time, which is irrelevant in terms of Pascal's Wager.
You, however, insist that *your* god is real because you cited scripture from your particular 'Holy' book-of-choice and I asked you how I could trust that your god was the 'right' one, given that all the other religions claims their god is the right one and you all have exactly the same level of evidence supporting your claims towards your particular god being the coca-cola of gods.
Be honest, you don't want to answer this because you *know* your god is the 'right' one, amirite?!!! LOL.