Hmm, I wonder why rape is so much less common in Islamic countries if they are dangerous for women?
In reality, the Muslim nations have one of the highest rates for rape in the world. But the truth never comes out because less than 1% of the rapes are reported. This is because in Muslim nations, if a rape happens then the probability is that the victim will receive a much harsher sentence when compared to the perpetrator.
This is in conflict with Semaforo's proudly presented facts on incidence of rape in Muslim nations.
How can this be? did say..."In reality"....
Would Islam in and of itself cause it's members to not be in reality?
Your arguments would carry a lot more weight if you had ever been to any of these countries. All statistics are flawed, although they are also adjusted for the issues you mention- including the ones that support your viewpoints, but it is glaringly obvious that the behavioral norms, particularly in conservative Muslim countries, simply do not allow for the fraction of the rape or sexual abuse as in western countries. Again, simply the fact that a majority of rapes in the United States involve alcohol points to the fact that with less alcohol consumption comes less rape.
Oh yeah, and by the way, the statistics on rape include not only reported rapes but in many studies anonymous surveys which tend to be much more accurate as there is no risk of social stigma for participants- and these also indicate that the United States has one of the highest rates in the world.
If you actually spend time living with Muslim families, you see very quickly that the level of respect and honor accorded to women increases as they age, whereas in western countries you see many extremely lonely and neglected elderly women who are no longer very valued due to having lost their physical beauty.
It is very obvious that the norms of gender relations in the west put women into danger- but again, most critics are speaking from having browsed the websites of terrified and hateful peopñe than actually having had contact with Muslims.
As for the case of Sweden, there is s consistent trend that social inequality leads to increased crime rates, and opening immigration has led to higher inequality- and if you actually look into it, you find the vast majority of the people convicted of crimes are not practicing Islam even a little- it is just part of their cultural background, and similar crime rates exist among Christian racial underclasses like Mexicans in the United States- the issue really has nothing to do with Islam and everything to do with extreme global inequality and continuing injustice on the part of the dominant class- these rising crime rates, as well as increased immigration, are largely a result of the economic devastation wrought by the destruction of traditional social orders of the countries where most of these immigrants come from in order to advance European economic interests- in other words, you reap what you sow.
Ad hominem, outright denial, and True Scotsman.
Please stop the Takiyya. It does not fool anyone here.
1: ad hominem: the original suggestion was that Muslim societies are hostile to women- implicit in this is that they are more so than western societies. So I mentioned my personal experience with certain ways in which women get more respect and honor in traditionally Muslim cultures. Is this what you call ad hominem? Besides, if there is a motive for distorting the truth someone is going to do it, and there is a very clear motive in this civilizational war, which I think deserves to be part of the discussion. People don't arrive to intensely negative perceptions about cultures they have little or no contact with without a lot of energy being put into it. My issue is that the perception I got traveling through place like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Morocco, Egypt, Turkey, and Senegal was dramatically different than the impression I got about Muslim cultures from the media in the US, which is why my first response to this is to ask what level of experience the people making these comments actually have with the subject matter at hand. It's a reasonable question- if someone is telling me my car needs a new head gasket, it's not a logical fallacy to ask what their qualifications as a mechanic are.
2: outright denial: What am I denying? The argument that the stigma on rape leads to underreporting? This is true, but as I said the source for this information is not only crime statistics- and I have also seen isolated cases where rape victims are punished being vastly blown out proportion to make it appear as if these injustices are systemic.
3: true scotsman: by the legal definition of Islam, someone who does not pray 5 times a day is not a Muslim.
You are using stock arguments that don't really match up to what I am saying so I understand you are a veteran internet debater, but this just doesn't work here.
If you are unhappy and filled with hate and lookong for someone to blame I suggest focusing the financial elite who have enslaved the better part of humanity, and who are using the civilizational conflict to further increase their power at the expense of millions of innocent people among all of the earths people. A combative attitude towards Islam simply plays into their hands, and is ultimatelt aggravating the issue rather than improving it.
Takiyya is mainly practiced by shia, another gross misinterpretation of the islam hate websites. The reality is that most of the 'good' moderate Muslims are generally hypocrites. I don't deny any of the aspects of Islam thst haters usually cite- it all makes sense to me. It's silly to pin it on cultural Muslims though- Bulgarian christian immigrants in Sweden also have above average levels of criminality, it has to do with socio economic status more than cultural or religious background.
There's so much hate and paranoia here it's just not that coherent what you are talking about. Are you suggesting Islam allows rape? In certain circumstances, you may be right, according to certain opinions, as in the case of female captives in war- however, they also have a high level if rights- they can only have intercourse with one man at a time, he is responsible to feed and clothe them at the level lf his own family and they should live with the family as a family member, if he hits her he is obligated to free her, if she becomes pregnant she cannot be sold, and anyone who purchases her must ensure she is not pregant before having intercourse with her, and must then be freed upon her owners death. Compared to the actions of any one of a dozen of the proxy armies financed and supported by the west this is extremely kind treatment. Besides, Islam is responsible for the freeing of more slaves thsn any social movement in history.
So I think you see I am not your run of the mill apologist- rather I see the modern system(not to be confused with modern technologt) as far worse, albeit it indirectly. So what is it I am trying to deceive about?