A couple of answers found on our (evil) Friend, Google.
cause those bombers are idiots thinking allah will forgive him by killing innocent people..muslim say (allah hu akbar) in everyday lives by the way..when happy or sad we just wanna remember allah in anyway we can..
by the way..those terrorist are coward
Source(s): im a muslim and proud
Because they understand God and religion WRONG!! I'm a Muslim, and I HATE these terrorists, they made a bombing in my country and my cousin was injured.
Lirerally Allahu Akabar means " God is great "
Well we muslims generally say Allahu Akbar on any instance .
Like whenever for example while chopping any vegetables at home if our finger gets a cut then automatically Allahu Akbar comes from our mouth due to the pain.. Also like if we see any tragedy we say Allahu Akbar.
When we see people prospering in life such as academics and jobs we Alhamdulillah ( Praise be to God ) and Allahu Akbar..
So using the words Allahu Akbar by muslims in any instance is normal.
Well where terrorists are concerned they utter Allahu Akbar in a synchronized manner or unsynchronised manneris basically to promote their ideology. And no other cause. And also maybe because it's so often used by Muslims.
for you do you agree that this terrorist agree and understand what islam really is.?
I think they are scammers. An easy one to study is the first big time Arab Terrorist, Yassir Arafat.
Behind all the talk and all the hundreds of bombings he was responsible for, was nothing but attempts at taking / grabbing land and taking / grabbing power.
These kinds of guys always send someone else out to get blown up, they themselves are cowards. And those people they may find ones who are not that smart, or who are easily fooled.