The most basic purpose of life is to pass on your genes to the next generation (or not).
The purpose of any lifeform is to live and see their offspring live.
That is how life sustains itself.
You can make your life useful to others, you can enjoy it. You might as well. You only got one life after all.
whether you believe in the existence of heaven and hell?
The nature does not care if you believe in hell or heaven. Earthquakes and hurricanes happen no matter what you believe.
Species survive or go extinct no matter if you believe in Ra, Zeus or more recently in Jesus.
what you ever have a problem? how do you solve the problem? Do you not care with the problems you are currently facing? problem is a test, so earthquakes etc it was is a test. then why there Mosque, Church, Temple, Shrine, Pagoda, Synagogue. What are they doing there? what they expect there? if they are not expecting paradise? then why there a place of worship if you do not believe in the existence of heaven and hell? Do you know the "faith"?
2> People came up with the concept of 'God(s)' to fill up the gaps in the understanding of how the nature works.
This need to have answers to everything is well ingraied in all of us.
3> Some of us fill this need with imaginary concepts, others sit down and try to investigate, reason out the solutions.
The sad reality is that there is no heaven or hell. I wish they were. Some of the fucked up Muslim followers (ISIS or Sharia Law sympatizers) or Christian pedophiles should definetly go to hell. But unfortunately we all die and decompose, whether you are a saint or an ISIS executioner.
People came up with science to console themselves that they will never be able to fill in the gaps.
4> People turn to science for answers that their faith cannot give them as their religion has too many gaps.
Science fills those gaps and what gaps are not filled are being researched.
1> If you only use the eye to resolve the problem, I think the problem will not be completed if you just see/staring problem with an eye. lol
2> Not everyone came up with the concept of 'God(s)', as I have found in the post above "someone does not care about the natural disasters" people like it not have religion and faith.
3> Heaven and hell it exist. ISIS are not Muslims, ISIS is a terrorist organization. Terrorists are organizations that do not understand the true meaning of jihad. Everyone can follow ISIS and everyone can join with ISIS, why everyone can enter ISIS? because ISIS is a terrorist organization. ISIS not RELIGIOUS.
4> for me, this kind of thing is no need to be researched. lol
Are you kidding me? ISIS is as Muslim as your fucking prophet Muhammad. No need to takiyya anyone here. These guys implement Sharia Law in all conquered lands, just like your Mohammed did.
ISIS are the real Muslims you are not. Once they get to where you live your head will be on the stick.
If you truly believe in what you are saying I know you are not a Muslim, but if you just takiyya us, I perfectly understand.
Either way, if you believe in any of that 6th century ideology, you are not mentally well. Good luck.
you stupid or what? after I spoke at length here you think I'm TAQIYYA?! LOL. ISIS is terrorist organization so all religions can be a member of ISIS. I just laugh when Muslims regarded as ISIS, LOL.
ISIS follows the words of the Koran way better than your average Muslim.