The earth is reasonably stable. Is seems that this and that will happen. But we don't know for sure. If we did, we would always be able to avoid things like car crashes, Fukushima, train and plane crashes, and almost everything else that goes wrong and harms a person. People, therefore, look for something to give them peace. It's religion.
Yes. People want to realize their dreams with religion. People love to believe in dreams. Religions offer people eternal paradise. People go after a paradise instead of researching about immortality. Things that were unknown in the past were much more. Now, with science, humanity knows more. We can now explain many things that were not explained in the past. We explain nature events through science. The gods do not punish us for nature events. But even if it is so known, people prefer to follow a dream.
But the real problem is that people are not interested in science. They do not follow scientific developments. The whole problem is that people do not develop themselves.
Science hasn't been able to stop things like "car crashes, Fukushima, train and plane crashes." Nor has science been able to accurately predict the future. In fact, it is partly due to science that things like car crashes, Fukushima, train and plane crashes, happen. If we didn't have science, we wouldn't have these, and we wouldn't have the accidents they cause.
Accident rates have started to decline thanks to scientific developments. We can design the means of transportation more securely. We can predict the nature events in advance. And we take our precautions according to our estimates.
Today, unmanned airplanes and cars are being designed. With the developments in artificial intelligence, human life will become better quality.