The most important thing is that whatever you believe in does not harm anyone. As long as you keep it for yourself and for your own spiritual good I don't see any problem. I know my mother finds strength in her belief so why would I try to convince her to stop believing.
I think that many people search for purpose in their life.
I believe also in the spiritual reality, not just physical.
Yes, scientists can create many ''nice'' things and our life is better now than before, but still many people feel''empty'' and without purpose of life.
Do you think that technology or science can give us purpose of life?
Or help us find ''inner'' peace in our mind?
I don't think so.
When we talk about God, we are talking about spiritual reality, and science can't help us in this area.
Another way to deal with these problems can be looked from sociology.
Sociology is a science that state the problems, define the conclusion and suggest the solutions.
I agree that science can research our body, neuron, cells and understand how everything works but I still don't think that science can prove or understand spiritual reality around us, God, or give us internal guidance or purpose of life.
Many people understand science, but still don't feel happy or content with their life.
It's obvious that something is ''missing''.
Money, wealth, job, knowledge, education are important for our lives but we, human beings, need much more to be happy and fulfilled.
I think that religion can give some answers which science can't give.