This is human nature are born in this world. This world was created by God.
Is there any evidence that the world was created by God?
People want to believe in something. But they do not question their causes.
From Bigbang to day, all processes can be explained without God. Can you prove the existence of God?
Big Bang is theory. This means that science has not proven that it is real. Even if science proved that a big bang could happen, then they would have to find the way to prove that this was the way the universe was for sure created. Seems to me that they are quite far from that.
Processes cannot be explained without God. Science law is cause and effect. Everything exists from the ancient past according to cause and effect. Scientists want big bang to be the great first cause... the causer of all other causes. Big bang is theory, but if it were real, it would be God. Why? Because it would have caused intelligence and life... things that cannot come about by accident, mathematically.
Further proof for the existence of God:
What is the theory? What is the scientific theory? You should investigate these concepts. According to you, gravity is not real in theory at that time.
Bigbang theory is a theory that can be explained experimentally. We do not know exactly what Bigbang was before. But research continues. I would recommend reading the "false vacuum" theory.
If something is not explained to you, it has to be a God. If you were living in the time of the vikings, you would have defined gods as the reason for the lightning. But today we can scientifically explain how thunderstorms happen.
What theory what? Gravity is real. Gravity theory - the reasons for the existence of gravity, and how and why gravity works the way it does - are not real.
Big bang might have been done in the lab. Lab is not natural. And, even if BB is proven possible, this says nothing about the way things really happened in the past.
Science theory religion is so far behind theistic religion that it would be laughable if it were not so serious.