I am here to just say one thing? Why do YOU hate islam? ...
If you need anything clarified, I am here to answer you, don't be scared, I won't be offended by anyone, also haters, you can reply, I won't care
I have only one question for you:
Do you believe Mohammed flew to heaven on a flying horse? If you do, why do you believe such nonsense?
Lol, cause Jesus resurrection is better? xD
All religions are basically nonsense. That's even in the definition of religion as religion is based on faith and faith is belief based on nothing but hot air.
Christians have crackers turning into human flesh, and wine turning into human blood all every Sunday during mass :-) How sick is this?
Virgin birth, walking on water, resurrection from dead, flying to heaven, you know all nine yards.
Muslims have heaven with rivers of wine (I guess because they are not allowed to drink it here) and lots of young women with no burkas, all men are clean shaven and are 33 years old. That is the Muslim heaven. It seems like a wet dream of a middle aged goat herder in the 6th century. Sounds about right.
Ah, here comes the Argument of Moral Equivalence again. Christians are bad, Muslims are bad, all religions are bad, yada yada yada.
Try this on for size.
http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/isis-selling-shrunken-heads-decapitated-7319854And our Jihad Report.
Attacks 140
Killed 1639
Injured 1670
Suicide Blasts 36
THE LAST 30 DAYS!!!I hope you are not trying to say that Islam is worse than Christianity.
You are forgetting burning people at the stake, slavery, pedophilia, crusades, killing gays or people working on the Sabbath. All of these 'recommendations' are in your Bible. If you are real Christian, you should be doing what your Bible tells you. Then you'll be no different than ISIS followers.
If there was slightly different social/political environment in Western countries, Christians would be doing what ISIS is doing. Thanks to science and secularization we use reason to decides what is moral, what behavior is acceptable. Problem is that most religious people don't actually
read their holy books. If they did without cherry picking, they would burn them.
Sorry, 1st or 6th century morality is not going to cut it in the 21st century.
You seem to be unable to distinguish between Christianity and some people who say that they are Christians but are acting outside of Christianity.
Where in the Bible are Christians talked about? The New Testament.
Where in the New Testament are there any directives for Christians to do violence against other people? There aren't any.Where in the Quran and the Hadiths are Muslims talked about? Throughout.
Where in the Quran and the Hadiths are there any directives for Muslims to do violence? Throughout.
To see a partial list of Quran and Hadith directives for Muslims to do violence, see
You wanted to know where in New Testament are the violent recommendations of your buddy Jesus.
Here you go:
New Testament:
Matthew 5:29 - plucking out eyes
Matthew 5:30 - cutting off hands
Matthew 10:34 - waging wars by a sword
Luke 19:26-2 - genocide
Romans 1:20-32 - killing sinners
Revelation 2:5 - more killing
Revelation 2:23 - killing children
Read your fucking book and stop cherry picking...Bible was too vile even for 1st century writers so they softened the tone....and remove the bat shit crazy stuff from the Bible.
Leviticus 24:16 - stoning people if they say God's name
Deuteronomy 28:53 - more cannibalism
Genesis 19:8 - prostituting your virgin daughters
Leviticus 19:19 - not mixing two kinds of material for clothing :-)
Deuteronomy 22:20-21 - more stoning for not being a virgin
Corinthians 14:34-35 - women should be quiet and obey
Exodus 31:14-15 - killing of people who work on Sabbath
Mark 10:11-12 - only marry once otherwise check Leviticus 20:10 for remedy
Deuteronomy 25:11-12 - cutting off hands
Deuteronomy 23:1 - you'll not go to heaven if your testicles are damaged
Leviticus 19:27 - no haircuts of any kind
Leviticus 19:28 - no tattoos, or else
Leviticus 11:7-8 - eating pork is forbidden
Psalms has a nice bit for the sadists in your church:
Psalm 137:9 - killing babies
Makes you wonder, huh? Or maybe not. Who knows how brainwashed are some people.