What a fair and even-handed beginning. Shows good faith (and good orthography). And surely, the judiciousness of this post will only improve.
A total of 53 people have Lauda on this trust list (which is roughly 1/2 of the number of people who have excluded Lauda from their trust list).
My trust list currently contains (exactly) the following two entries. Do you wish to suggest that gmaxwell could potentially hold some responsibility for my putting him there? (Other than by demonstrating great evidence of trustworthiness, that is to say.)
What is most concerning is that of the 53 accounts who have Lauda on their trust list, 6 accounts are part of a farm of purchased accounts that are owned by the same person. I am wanting to know why over 11% of those who have lauda on their trust list are all owned by the same person.
Considering this in the hypothetical, that would be a most excellent means for somebody with a long-term vendetta to try to set Lauda up in public as having done something fishy.
I say “considering this in the hypothetical”, because you don’t seem to have bothered with identifying these alleged accounts—much less with providing evidence that they be alts.
I would also like to know why neither any of these 6 accounts nor the account seller have any kind of negative trust from Lauda.
Again, taking this hypothetically: Perhaps nobody brought those accounts
plus appropriate evidence to Lauda’s attention.
I see you have done nothing to correct this deficiency.
One of these accounts was last active as of late May 2017, and most were last active as of June 2017, so I can rule out someone recently adding Lauda to their trust lists.
So you are saying that you have absolutely nothing to do with all these accounts adding you to their trust list? I want to be very clear on this.
I don't even know what accounts you are talking about[1]. Thus I can absolutely not be clear about anything.
[1] Relatively easy to create a trap this way; somewhat predictable.
It’s what he does. It’s all he does.
A most appropriate response to the allegation: “Somewhere in this trust dump are some accounts I claim are alts, without saying which or why. Obviously, you are responsible for this.
Do you deny it?”