Hello everyone!
I am talking to quite a few people who are investing in crypto and notice that very few have a broader investment spectrum. People either focus on ICOs, some small caps, others play it safe and stick with the high caps or established projects.
But hold on, is the later really playing save? In my view, even with high caps you will still be massively exposed as you have all of your eggs in one basket. Namely in the same market. Different eggs in size and colour but all eggs. If the basket falls, your eggs still get crushed.
As mentioned before, I am trading stocks for over a decade and crypto since last year. I also agree that is easier to trade stocks, simply because the volume is so high that a few whales or big investors cannot influence the market as easily by dumping their shares. The stock market is also much more regulated, if someone is being caught doing washtrading or spoofing the consequences are dramatic. In the crypto world manipulation is something that poses a constant threat. Just look at the market now, the recent dip is not tight to any event, news or even fud. 25 billion just disappeared and people are wondering wht‘s going on.
Long story short, it‘s great you have a diversification plan but also think about moving assets from crypto to fiat, stocks or raw materials and precious metals.
What is your view on that?
The reason why many people preffer trading in the crypto market rather than the traditional markets is due to the fact that cryptomarkets have a very low entry barrier and everything can be traded quickly and with ease.
If traditional assets, bonds and derivatives were also traded on the Blockchain, they would be more accessible for the general population. For that exact reason, we have decided to launch Blockstate.