I like how religious people go "hahah so nothing exploded and here we are! hahaha" but then say siht like "Nobody created God. God created the universe.", because, you know... logic.
BADecker logic goes like this:
"Every effect has a cause. Our universe was created therefore it had a cause. But since everybody (in my church) knows that God created the universe he must be this cause, therefore he exist."
But BADecker, who created God? "Well, he does not need a cause because he created the universe and its laws. So there you go, this is a scientific proof that God indeed exists and that he created universe."
But BADecker you are using a circular logic. "Well, you are the one who do not understand it. You cannot refute my proof therefore you are a lier."
You are finally getting there. You almost have it. Let me add the few points you are lacking.
Every scientist, when he thinks about all-pervading cause and effect with reference to God, thinks one of two things:
1. Strongly suspects that God exists;
2. Tries to find something that proves all-pervading cause and effect to be false.
As far as who or what created God, until you understand all the laws of the universe, this is a moot question. If God had a creator, there is no way to even start to imagine what that creator was like, or what creating God even would mean.
You still haven't refuted the proof that God exists. Further, you have barely tried. I'm beginning to think that your thinking ability is more along the lines of that of a rodent.