Because God is real, doesn't need to prove his existence. And the proofs are surrounding us.
If he is real, ask him to post his selfie here...
If he does not post, he does not exist. End of story.
Well said sir.... well said!
God is so great, that even His selfie would kill you just to look at it.
and that's one pretty good way to tell the people that they will never be able to see god while they're alive and therefore stop looking for the proof of god by showing himself. Do you not get it?
Why do you always attempt to twist things into exactly the opposite of what makes sense? Since people will never be able to see God, that's all the more reason to find other proof of His existence.
I praise God for His great patience in you.
He loves you so much that He puts up with your using of His life in you to deny Him. Turn to Him,
before He withdraws His life from you, and you die.
Is it so fun asking the same old questions over and over, and then ignoring the answers?
Does your God love little children who die from HIV and cancer? Why does he "withdraw his life from them"?
Is he a sadist?
God loves them and all people. Part of the reason that people die is so that they don't have to live in pain and suffering beyond what they could bear. Another part is to take them to a better place, Paradise, where they will abide in joy until the New Heavens and the New Earth are fully built. Also, God has so much mercy on the damned that He lets them die so that they will not fill up their lives with more sinning that they will have to pay for in Hell.
Please don't say "God works in mysterious ways"!
Why not? It's about the closest thing you have to understanding.
If God is responsible for all good and bad that is happening to people, can you ask him why is he so fucked up?
You are so f***ed up that you can't even understand the simple answers I give.
Ask Allah if Christ does not answer.
I cannot believe you still believe in this shit. After all that what was posted by rational people on this forum, how can you say God
exists? How can you say God is good? Does he give a shit about little kids dying in Allepo or little kids who see their parents shot to dead in front of them? Does Allah cares, since it might be his territory?
Here you go again. Nobody has shown the step by step reasons why the proof for the existence of God is not accurate:
Why don't you want to believe the facts? For example. Nobody likes war to speak of. But saying that some form of war isn't going on in the Middle East is simply stupid and naive. There is proof of it all over the place. So, why do you not accept the proof that God exists, since you can't refute it?
Rwanda? Where was God?
Nazi concentration camps? Where was God?
ISIS genocides? Where was God?
Playing golf? Or raping little kids in heaven like his disciples here on Earth?
God is constantly working to save people for Heaven. You, it seems, would rather pick on some particular evils that were done, and ignore the very real fact of Hell. If you are so in favor of saving people, become a missionary for God, and save people from eternal damnation, which is billions of times more painful than any little troubles you have talked about.