Sheep vs. WolfThe thread has gone off topic.
No, no, no, it has stayed on topic. Just because you disagree with my hypothesis, doesn’t mean my posts are off-topic. That is a disingenuous claim. Disagreement is not proof.
If your argument is that Zionists control the governments and thus allow their
creation (Bitcoin) to continue to exists without significant attempts of control,
then I suppose your current comments are on topic to this thread, but they are
not on topic to this section where the thread has been placed (Legal). You are
not making legal arguments or using common legal theory in your analysis.
In addition, if you truly believed the results of your analysis, you would never
make such statements on a public forum that is constantly monitored by their
control systems, since that would designate you for termination either by being
suicided or by "accidental" hit and run. Continuing, majority of participants upon
the internet do not care, nor take such concerns seriously, and so you providing
your analysis of such will not save anyone since the deed is done, and their
Zionist world control is absolute, based upon your reasoning. Yet, this is
contradicted by your current existence here with arguments of such, and
so, must be ignored. When people speak the secret truths, death does follow.
This leads to a possibility that your argument is not based on a true belief of
Zionism creating or controlling Bitcoin, but on an attack scenario designed to
mitigate my argument type, since it has the possibility of disturbing the full
control of humanity by their one world currency. Thus, you could be the true
Zionist, calling others such as obfuscation, as if it held any real importance.
Ultimately, whatever group anyone is claimed to be allied to, holds no
significance when the curtain falls. No one will be spared, except the
few who flee to Bitcoin at the time in which it is appointed.
The Bitcoin of that time is not as transparent as todays. As new designs are
added to the Bitcoin system to help hide and protect its users, the governments
will become more and more oppressive until it is outlawed and they establish
their own controlled token system. This is the One World System your masters
desire and will wield over the meek. Anyone who attempts to prevent privacy
and other such user protective ideas from being added to the Bitcoin system
is an ally of the One World System that is to come, and an enemy of Bitcoin's
true purpose: Free choice prior to forced slavery.
So, the issue is likely that you do not like my words because you consider
them to be a threat to your ideals. You wish for the destruction of Bitcoin so
that Nash's theory can be realized thereafter and thus usher in a world of
total human subjugation. I can assure you that the one world currency will
eventually manifest just as you wish, but Bitcoin and its theory will have
already propagated to prevent all from being forced to partake in that
system. Without Bitcoin and its proven theory, no flesh would survive.
Bitcoin is not human forced, but a choice provided by the entity for humanity.
One World Currency is human forced, and mandates sin as a show of loyalty.
Bitcoin is a contradiction of this world, will not conform, and resides outside it.
One World Currency is a continuation of this world, and exacerbation of its sin.
My communications in this area is based upon theological reasoning and not
on the actions of a single proxy alone. Many proxies have come before Satoshi
and many will come after, all in order to secure the paths in the wilderness and
the streams in the desert. Proxies are not the end all of the system, and the
system is continually built till the time it is perfected, and only then will the
time appointed be realized.
Your theological reasoning is based upon modern day biases and interpretations
that are less than 150 years old. The plan in the works is thousands of years
old and will proceed accordingly to the design of the entity. What will occur
has already transpired and so there is no point in continuing this conversation
since I have stated my simple reasoning and you wish to argue motives of a
limited single past proxy. Satoshi was not a betrayer and history will confirm.
History will record these communications and will be the only judge here.
I do not need to force, convince, or explain my full reasonings, since it was
said, "seek and ye shall find, and knock and it shall be opened to you". So I
have only provided these communications for your consideration and pointed
toward thoughts of interesting possibilities. Some will understand them and
others will not, but I am not looking for conversion, but for more possibilities
that have not been entertained or anticipated. The choice is yours as to how
you interpret my words. If you dismiss them, I am not harmed, and if you
attack me, I lose no power, since I desire none and the goal is not worldly.
The goal is to proclaim what is to come, so that those who listen will consider
and prepare, and those who have been granted the means will move justly.
I am a reminder, not a redeemer. Human condescension is of no value.