But on a controversy, don't we think the casinos are basically on existence for business which interactive as an activity is regarded between the bookmakers and the players (gamblers)? Or otherwise an event of give and take which is either the gambling house profits or the players in the house takes the profits.
We can see even the handball amongst the sport games are not too interesting for players to ride on as much as the football and boxing is events is being so attractive and enjoyable to watch even in a reality.
Okay, my overview of this is that players would love to play were they have potential possiblities to make the right predictions to secure winning which could probably be one of a popular local and international sport events like the football.
The bookmakers may not want to invest on what would not yield them profits in returns but I think think your thoughts of elevating the unpopular events like the athletes especially on the local levels as said could have potential offers to bring to the crypto house a return of profitability. Just gonna be in a matter of time because the World is eventually is evolving in discovery on potential events in both sports, entrepreneur and technologies closer and useful to the universe.