If you support horse racing or dog racing FUCK YOU! Seriously, you’ve got mental issues that need addressed if you do. Or you’re uneducated entirely on the subject, which should be embarrassing for you if you’re an adult.
Yeah, definitely uneducated, I grew up at a farm, watching grow those animals that ended up in your stomach, unless you're whole vegan and you have never wasted one bit of meat in your life you're in no place to preach to others.
40 000 pets are euthanized each year in the UK alone because of injury, should we ban pets also?
As for your language, I'm not going to even delve into it, you're beyond help if you reach this level.
Dog racing is nearly dead in the U.S. Horse Racing is next.
No it's not:
Thanks on very valuable information that will help users here to understand what’s really happening in the background for this kind of animal sports. Seriously, I’m not aware that there’s a lot of horses dying on the race since I thought they are well trained and high maintenance on this kind of sports given that they are normally running in the wild.
Then we should ban football too, right?
The FIFA Sudden Death Report (FIFA-SDR), was carried out by Saarland University and published in 2020.[7] The report recorded worldwide deaths attributed to sudden cardiac arrest or other unexplained sudden death while playing (or shortly after playing) football during the period from 2014 to 2018. There were 617 cases during the five-year period.