MUSLIM MEN ARE NOT ALLOWED TO MARRY MORE THAN ONE WOMAN. IN FACT, ISLAM IS THE FIRST MAJOR RELIGION TO PROHIBIT MARRYING MORE THAN ONE WOMAN, OR AT LEAST LIMITING IT TO FOUR. I'm not sure where, but in the Koran it says something to the effect of "marry only one". Islamic law will recognize up to 4 wives, after that additional women are like girlfriends. In practice Muslim men can do pretty much anything they want with women, only the women get in trouble for sexual related things. Islam also has the Mut'a, which is a marriage for one night, and a bride price may even be paid for that one night. That should kind of put things in perspective, as in they don't allow prostitution, but at the same time they actually do. Islam is not sexually strict culture that doesn't allow homosexuality and fornication as the liberal media in the west try to say.
Men today ARE allowed to marry more than one woman, except in the following cases:1) The country was taken over by the Roman Catholic church (Spanish South America, some French Africa, Europe)
2) The country was taken over by the British / Anglican church (India, parts of Africa, USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, China during its pre Communist opium destabilization period)
3) The country is a Communist country, such China post 1951. Most Chinese today don't even know how recently polygamy was ended in their country. The Communists have wiped their history.
It was only during the last 100 years that polygamy has been abolished for most of the world, if you consider that India and China have a huge portion of the world's population. Marriage originated in Europe around the 10th century, when the Roman Catholic Church created the rite of marriage or institution of marriage, where marriage became a religious event when it previously was not. After marriage was created, marrying only one woman originated in Roman Catholic Europe in the 11th century and spread from there as European powers conquered much of the rest of the world.Some men cant even support the life of a single woman. So i think its only good that people are given a chance to only marry one. Also it brings out most of the fun in loving someone because you can have them all to yourself without competition whatsoever.
"Having them all to yourself" isn't necessarily what love is. That's more like being selfish, the opposite of love in some ways. Half of all marriages end in divorce and even more are bad but don't officially end in divorce. Yes, of course if it is broken between one and one woman then having more women will only make it worse.
So if a guy is able to take care of the needs by 25 women, he is allowed to marry all of them? This logic is quite absurd and it will never work. Apart from the mental trauma for the women, it can also lead to a broken society. If the rich men marry multiple times, then the poor will be left with no available partners to marry. It can result in a lot of problems.
Bad things, like irresponsible drunks not being able to find wives? Women not getting in to relationships with abusive men because it's all they can get to try to have a family with?
I hope OP don't spread this thought in already overpopulated countries. Come on man. You don't have to marry someone to make her not feel lonely. You can just still be good friends. Anyway, if you're going to act on your thought, don't forget about family planning and contraception.
Not always. If the man already has more children from having more wives then he may not want so many children and so the number of children per woman would go down, which is how populations grow or shrink. Instead of 4 children with one woman, he may have 9 children with 3 woman, so 3 per woman instead of 4.
Should a woman be able to marry multiple men?
The push for gender equality would say yes, since men and woman are the same (except when they're different).