One, it is because we all need an online payment gateway akin to PayPal. Right now, Bitcoin is better than PayPal in so many ways though there is no way to complain if someone is scamming you.
Bitcoin is not only a vessel to store value but it's also really useful in the remittance industry. I can send 100,000$ paying a mere 4$ in fees with Bitcoin while it would cost me 3000$ with PayPal and I'd take some risk to do the paypal transaction while doing the same thing from a traditional bank would cost some money,time & would probably raise questions.
I agree with you guys. Paypal is one on my big motivations to look at alternative payment and money transfer systems. Paypal is not a safe or reliable method for a seller to do business. The charge backs have created a large scam and made it very unstable for sellers.
As a web designer and developer I can not take payments tru Paypal. If someone does a chargeback months later I have 0 protection because I sold a non-tangible good. Someone could need money to pay thier mortgage, decide the business was a bad idea, whatever reason they could get all the money back. and if you do not have it in the acct linked to Paypal they will freeze it. I am not going to put hundreds of hours of work into that kind of risk.
I am looking for a nice clean crypto payment solution that I can get paid on bench marks and phases of a project. After I get paid for the agreed upon terms the money is safely mine. Just how contracts and deals are designed to work.
Why are you coming to this forum?
To research and study crypto currency.
If you are a member here, I think you should not be asking stupid questions, we all want to use bitcoin for profit. There are many ways to make money from it, since it attracts many users.
You are telling me asking Why would the population use bitcoins ? is "stupid" ?
Bitcoins and cypto currency has a problem. It has no mainstream practical use. This is problem because without that all this "value" is just a bubble.
You are probably running around like a clueless lemming thinking they got in on some secret at the "ground level". This is what all Lemmings in bubbles think. Others are researching and developing real world ways to use crypto currencies.
Why would someone use it ? is the first thing to ask in the realm of design and development.