Looks like humans are in trouble i don't believe there is a way to create AI to share our values or any kind of control switch. We only survive is there is a reason to keep us alive right?
come on, cut the crap, the AI will never make humans extinct lol, thats the most hilarious thing I've heard
In order to happen this, the robots must :
1 . be very advanced and self-sustainable .
2. they must build millions of units for attack in factories.
3. they can't build factories to produce more robots without using a high source of power/energy ,not to mention that they'll need all the metal from many countries.
3a. Nuclear electricity to be used in their factories can't be produced without being detected the radiation signature from satellites unless is very deep in mountains.
3b. I don't see robots in 2050 to be able and so smart to produce nuclear energy by themselves in some secret underground facility , now they are barely stable on their legs and this is after decades of research and experiments from scientists.
In 2050 if you see a robot dancing perfectly on his own legs that would be a great achievement
In order to build smart and very advanced cyborgs ,the human kind must be very smart and very advanced too but this unfortunately won't happen not even in 10,000 years because we are still depending on money, corruption, greed and internal combustion engines in other words we are progressing very very slow.
Please come back with the same question 20,000 years later if a meteorite or global warming won't extinct us (not directly but indirectly starting with our flora and fauna = food) before the cyborgs does