I have a possibly stupid question, is there any game setting that would allow me to earn if only 1% per day to a deposit?
short answer: no
long answer: noooooo
there are no settings that will allow you to consistently earn 1% on your deposits
moreover in the long run you are almost certain to lose 1% of your bank to the casino because of the house edge
you can get lucky once ,twice ,hell even 20 times in a row and win , but eventually the mathematics will work as it is supposed to and you lose
you can set your autobet with limits so that if you win a certain amount it stops and come back the next day and do it again , but this will always end in you either busting the bank
or triggering the stop loss ( if you have one set )
if you want to try some very popular settings, try 1.1x multiplier 10 units base bet , 10x increase on loss and 0.0112 units bank - it sustains 6 reds
but it is bound to bust sooner or later , so make sure you know when to stop and collect your profits and run