Please gives us more details.... That sounds very bad
The miners arrived earlier today. I got home, unboxed and powered up the first one while doing that i noticed some scratches on it that looked like it was used. After powering it up some lights flashed and the really loud fans were running i decided to try it out, after tinkering with my browser for hours i decided to wait for help setting it up. I moved on to try power up the other two, ... the first has a bent "front"? not sure if it was shipped like that or it happened in transit. I hooked them up to a power source but they are both not powering up. I"ve tried everything from different surge protectors to different breakers but they just wont wake up.
When i try turn them on, the lights in the room flicker for a fraction of a second, to show that something should be pulling some heavy power but then nothing happens, it just sits there
I hope our vendor gets online quick, and resolves this ASAP, and i'll also need an english setup guide for the one that is powering up.
i'll try upload some pics