hahaha 45btc???
you moron what are u thinking with yourself??
I don't know at what value you estimate gpu dev work in general, but the general feeling among us is "not a lot"...
I don't understand why when many are making substantial money with "our" work, it should just be equivalent to a few beers (if people feel like giving... you did pay for your card you didn't tell amd, nvidia, I will pay if I am happy with the cards... )
Do you know many developper around working for a beer and a soup ?
on a different note, Ignition75 tried to organize a crowdfunding project to rise fund for optimized x11 kernels which would benefit everyone... and didn't get much success so far (you can probably still pledge however...) too many people just expect free stuff... coming out of nowhere.
So don't complain you did it to yourself (and stop expecting free stuff... while nobody is giving anything back)