As for SubStrata, the so called Master(bater) of the Universe, it is obvious that he is just an adolescent investing his allowance so he can buy another game for his X-box. He is unwilling to learn from those of us with experience, and insists on peeing on the electric fence for himself.
You cant train a pig by wrestling him in the mud, because the pig likes it.
As for the price of BTC falling: BTC is being sold to raise capital. The BTC price has closely followed the stock markets, where margin trading is the rule.
For those that do not know what margin trading is, it means you pay 10% of the price and borrow the 90% balance at 2% interest. This allows a trader to buy 10 times as much stock for the same stake. If the stock rises, the trader either sells and pays the loan, or lets it ride. Since a trader has to maintain the 10% equity in the stock, if the price falls, he must come up with more cash to maintain the 10% level. This is called a "margin call".
Bad part is that to fund a margin call, a trader will sell some of the stock, which causes the stock price to fall further, which necessitates further margin calls, and more selling, more margin calls, more selling, etc............
Anyway, the stock markets have reached what is called a "SIX SIGMA" event. That means an event with a chance of billions to one of happening. What it is is complicated, but it is very real.
The smart money is exiting the market entirely, or is investing in physical silver, gold, or mining stocks. Oil futures are also popular due to the coming war and the expected $200 a barrel price for crude.
There will be much happening in the world soon, affecting both the BTC price and XCR by default. Now that it has been revealed that the MH17 plane was shot down by a Ukranian AirForce fighter with cannon fire and an air-to-air missile, the fuse has been lit on the Russian Front.
Cybercurrency will play an even more important role in the future. BTC broke the barriers, but just like MySpace, Lycos, and tape players, something better, faster, and cheaper always comes along and edges the old out. XCR has a great chance at being the one that bumps BTC off the top.
Litoshi, have you studied complexity theory, like chaos and fractal market theory? Taleb, Mandelbrot, and Edgar Peters have written some good books on the subject. Your outlook is very similar to my own.
This is the second time in 12hrs I'm seeing the words "SIX SIGMA" I totally unrelated fields... The first place was talking about LEAN as well... I must look in to this all...
Where is a good place to start?
Sigma certainty may be compared to flipping coins and calculating the odds of the same side (heads or tails) continuously landing sunny side up. But this is somewhat misleading.
In fact, five-Sigma describes a p-value or probability of 3 x 10(-7). That is to say, it describes something highly improbable.
So what is the improbable 'thing' that it describes?
P-values are used to test the probability of hypotheses being correct. There is always a null hypothesis (that X and Y are not to any extent related to one another) and a research hypothesis (that X and Y are correlated).
Researchers always assume the null hypothesis as a starting point and then apply a dataset from experimental observations to see whether or to what extent the null hypothesis is improbable.
When the first data relating to the Higgs Boson emerged from the particle accelerator at CERN, the null hypothesis was immediately under challenge because (as I recollect) 3-Sigma evidence brought the null hypothesis into doubt right from the starting blocks.
When a fuller data set emerged, 5-Sigma certainty was announced, effectively annihilating the null hypothesis. The effect of this was that the Higgs Boson could confidently be confirmed to the waiting world as having been experimentally observed.
6-Sigma certainty is even more stringent. It may be said to overegg an already statistically certain pudding. However, as an emphatic, it forms as useful an addition to vernacular as expletives. Instead of saying that something is absolutely fucking certain, one may say instead that the null hypothesis which opposes it has been demonstrated incorrect by a 6-Sigma dataset.
Edit: One of the BTER research hypotheses published by someone here present is that BTER will fold due to NXT heist losses. That is to say, they assert a correlation between the NXT heist and the imminent collapse of BTER. I disagree because the null hypothesis (that is, the hypothesis that there is no correlation between the NXT heist and the failure of BTER) has not been satisfactorily challenged. Accordingly it is logical to assume that BTER will continue to be a leading global exchange and that the NXT issue will be resolved satisfactorily. If any evidence to the contrary exists (note my use of the word 'evidence'...and for the avoidance of doubt, conspiracy theories are not the same thing as conspiracy facts), pray grace us with same or, following the injunction of Wittginstein, whereof you do not know, thereof say nothing.