Following the overwhelming majority of buyers voting positively to start an early trading, we have contacted Bter to provide us with the final data snapshot.
We are now updating the ledger with the final data, and will publish it soon. Once done, we will provide Bter with the final list of ID's, in order to perform the distribution and any remaining refunds.
Moreover, the official ticker XCR was chosen by the community, and reserved on Bter!
Please read more at the latest blogpost:
Pre-Trade Announcement & Ticker chosen!
This was a breach of contract, as people who were waiting to get on the list due to ongoing refunds now have no chance.
Well, since no one is asking for a refund, they have no choice anyway. At least with the shares being tradeable they can still buy in before the launch of the coin.
Besides, there is no contract with the investors who invested AFTER the cap was reached. No contract, no breach.
You guys miss the point, If you can't trust a team to keep their before release word how can you trust them not to scam you after release?
Humor me then: What would be gained by waiting until Aug 10 to open the XCR market?