Seems like XC has overtaken DRK in terms of anonymity protection, according to Chaeplin! When asked if his notorious pattern matching techniques would crack DRK he responded today with:
In RC3, might be possible on changes, not on payment.
In RC4, My method will be useless on both changes and payment.
So until RC4 (the next version of DRK) comes out XC now has superior protection, thanks to multipath (which is still in v early beta).
Note that since the multipath version of XC was released and the XC dev gave his challenge here , Chaeplin can't crack it.
Thanks Chaeplin for making us stronger than DRK
i know your happy by chaeplin showing his true intentions , i'm too, but your constant drk namedropping has to stop, its bringing trolls in the thread polluting it which results in an unatractive environement for new investors , don't you get this.
plus its a sign of weaknes. XCs goal isn't beating drk, its beeing the best solution for privacy in crypto no matter the competition. concentrate your enthusiasm and efforts on XC not other coins.