Lol - working on it. I actually had a little bit of an idea (weighing my options with our bet ... still working on funding. Stupid Coinbase)
Anyway. I was thinking a little about Ethereum. I know a lot of people think it's a scam or whatever. Which is fine - but one of the things I feel like they nailed with their coin is that they are using it to pay miners fees for running the touring complete script. I also feel like MaidSafe is doing it correctly with their Proof of Resource by paying people to turn over their bandwidth / whatever. The coin is tied to the utility being provided.
I'm NOT advertising other coins. I don't own any maidsafe or ethereum. Nor am I convinced they are good places to put money.
But understanding the XC is really two different things. 1 - A privacy platform that works off nodes/wallets. 2 - A currency (that works inside the nodes). Wouldn't it make more sense to do a PoPN - or Proof of Privacy Node?
Basically I see the value of XC (assuming it's the best anon) - the value is coming from the nodes. Not the people who hold the most coins (which really isn't even necessary for the privacy to work). Also wouldn't it make sense to charge something for messages / skype calls / whatever that the nodes that are privatizing these things "harvest / mine"?