Its hard to be patient when we are getting no info.
Sure, no problem. No offense taken. I'm thinking mostly of yesterday.
To give you an idea of what it's like on my side, it's like this:
- several new things going on business-wise
- can't announce them before they're signed off and ready to go
- tech update in progress
- can't announce it because we don't want to hype or put undue pressure on good coding. XC must be built properly.
- the community wants info on things that are still in-progress
- not in a position to give info
- the community spirals into uncertainty and helps devalue their own coin as a result.
The only solution to this is trust.
You've got to trust that no news means we're busy working away productively on the next piece of news.
When there is no news then updates such as this need to be pushed out. This type of update reinforces the fact that everyone is working hard and working towards the plan.
Keep up the great work.