
Topic: [XMR] Moderated Monero General Discussion Thread - page 6. (Read 11212 times)

Activity: 93
Merit: 10
Disclaimer:  I don't use Twitter or any other "social media"

Actually you do at this exact moment. Forums are also a form of social media or "Web 2.0", which describes, that users now interact with each other, though forums or news-agregators (like reddit or HN) aren't the classical form of social media
Activity: 1624
Merit: 1008
I was doing some twitter XMR tweets analysis:

Suddenly this strange googlealert thing appeared. I searched in twitter and it leads to this anti XMR troll campaign: I reported it as a spam and I suggest you do the same.

Tips are appreciated Smiley

I checked your link and it has links to the ANN thread, this thread, a post on reddit with a positive view on the latest "attack", and the Lifeboat Foundation taking Monero for donations. 

There was also a link in reference to Moneero which is one of the names of a person involved with a company in Uruguay.

Maybe I didn't look deeply enough but it doesn't seem like an anti XMR troll campaign to me.

Disclaimer:  I don't use Twitter or any other "social media"
hero member
Activity: 697
Merit: 500
I would like to help contribute to this project, and I was wondering is there any other translation projects open than the Monero Client .NET on Transifex?

You are welcome to join. We already translated many languages,you can request your own.

Can i join to translate in Indonesian language Cheesy

Yes,you can  Smiley
hero member
Activity: 794
Merit: 1000
Monero (XMR) - secure, private, untraceable
^You may be right, but this is what I get from the same analysis on '#googlealert':

and this is what it finds on 'googlealert':

Activity: 1204
Merit: 1002
Gresham's Lawyer
I was doing some twitter XMR tweets analysis:

Suddenly this strange googlealert thing appeared. I searched in twitter and it leads to this anti XMR troll campaign: I reported it as a spam and I suggest you do the same.

Tips are appreciated Smiley

Consider the possibility that it is just what it seems to be.  A googlealert twitter bot. 
Google alerts are automated searches.  This is likely just one piped into twitter.  When the google search finds some thing the bot tweets it positive negative true or false.
For more on google alerts:
hero member
Activity: 794
Merit: 1000
Monero (XMR) - secure, private, untraceable
I was doing some twitter XMR tweets analysis:

Suddenly this strange googlealert thing appeared. I searched in twitter and it leads to this anti XMR troll campaign: I reported it as a spam and I suggest you do the same.

Tips are appreciated Smiley
Activity: 1624
Merit: 1008
Maybe because people paid more for it?

Volatility in cryptocurrency, who would of thunk?
hero member
Activity: 644
Merit: 502
Not directed at anyone in this thread, but rather simply an observation and comment:

I do not understand the obsession with attempting to over-analyze the short-term (daily) changes in XMR's market price.
Why not step back and be thankful for the relative stability in the exchange rate of XMR/BTC?

While also considering that, as I type, this obscure, intangible cryptocurrency with a mysterious and hardscrabble upbringing that likens it to an orphan in a Dickens novel,
is currently valued at 117% of the United States' fiat currency, the dollar.  

Put that in your res and vape it.
sr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 250
It's Never End
I would like to help contribute to this project, and I was wondering is there any other translation projects open than the Monero Client .NET on Transifex?

You are welcome to join. We already translated many languages,you can request your own.

Can i join to translate in Indonesian language Cheesy
hero member
Activity: 697
Merit: 500
I would like to help contribute to this project, and I was wondering is there any other translation projects open than the Monero Client .NET on Transifex?

You are welcome to join. We already translated many languages,you can request your own.
Activity: 3836
Merit: 4969
Doomed to see the future and unable to prevent it
Thx for the PM.
Activity: 76
Merit: 10
The emission curve on deletions in this thread needs to be examined, and perhaps adjusted.

From anon136:

Yes I will do this. From this point on if its not troll or containing of demonstrably false information it will not be deleted from this thread.

*edit* Also responses to troll or fud posts. If I see something that I just deleted quoted than I'm going to delete that also. The idea behind this policy is that i dont think it makes a terrible amount of sense to delete a fud or troll post and then still have it present in its entirety one post below the one i just deleted. The draw back is that certainly it will result in some entirely well meaning responses being deleted. Interested to know if you guys agree with this policy. These rules are not at all ridged and definitely subject to chance, interested in any constructive feedback. I'm quickly learning just how much harder this job is than one might anticipate.
hero member
Activity: 528
Merit: 501
It would be nice if MEW or the core devs set up a Monero wiki, similar to the Bitcoin wiki ( It's a bit hard for newbies to navigate Bitcointalk to find accurate and up-to-date information, given the level of anti-Monero FUD and trolling.
hero member
Activity: 658
Merit: 503
Monero Core Team
Thanks. We already have a need for mnemonic seed for the wallet. Any languages welcome, except English, German, Portuguese and French. Contact me if interested.
Other needs will arise later, so I should add you to the translator's list.
Activity: 1638
Merit: 1001
My post was deleted as well and it was not trolling or fudding.

Well you destroyed a good concept fast! Goodbye Moderated thread.

And I've posted several troll posts that have not been deleted. 

The emission curve on deletions in this thread needs to be examined, and perhaps adjusted.

Activity: 3836
Merit: 4969
Doomed to see the future and unable to prevent it
My post was deleted as well and it was not trolling or fudding.

Well you destroyed a good concept fast! Goodbye Moderated thread.
Activity: 1638
Merit: 1001
Really? I posted a thread thanking the devs and asking them to not respond as much to trolls and it gets deleted here? WTF?

Back to the open thread I guess, won't bother wasting my time here. This is ridiculous.

With that said i want critics to feel welcome here. I will not be deleting posts simply because you have a criticism of monero so long as your posts are tactful, don't contain any logical fallacies, rhetorical trickery or sophism in general and do contain at least one argument of legitimate substance.

Good example for the youngsters of the risks involved with non-decentralized threads.  People's feelings get hurt.

Activity: 1624
Merit: 1008
Did you read the post just before yours? Grin

Please come back Smiley
Activity: 50
Merit: 0
Really? I posted a thread thanking the devs and asking them to not respond as much to trolls and it gets deleted here? WTF?

Back to the open thread I guess, won't bother wasting my time here. This is ridiculous.

With that said i want critics to feel welcome here. I will not be deleting posts simply because you have a criticism of monero so long as your posts are tactful, don't contain any logical fallacies, rhetorical trickery or sophism in general and do contain at least one argument of legitimate substance.
Activity: 76
Merit: 10
sorry i just deleted a post i shouldn't have. i thought i was in a different thread. Cheesy still have to get into the swing of things.
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