When I first got involved in crypto there were 69 currencies listed on coinmarketcap with a total market cap of $ 13,890,378,655
https://web.archive.org/web/20140104141936/http://coinmarketcap.com/There are now 545 currencies with a market cap of $ 5,192,835,057.
789% more currencies worth 37% of what 69 were worth January 8th 2014.
All of these currencies offered the moon but delivered nothing. Why should people think any different of Monero or any other coin? One thing is for sure, nobody's going to wait three years.
Is it rational to expect the moon though, when only one out of 69 currencies, and now only one out of >545 currencies and a few assets has actually delivered?
Even at the time you started, 1 out of 69 isn't the greatest odds when you're led to believe that everyone is offering only the moon.
Now, at 1 in 545, the chances of offering the moon are much less, if you were to randomly throw money at these things.
When bitcoin started, it offered a cryptocurrency. Investors saw the moon. Chances back then were likely 1 in 1, or even 1 in 5, and the ticket was cheap.
With the complete disregard for the technical offerings of some of these things, and incessant talks about the moon, I have only been left with the thought that everyone here is absolutely irrational. I say irrational, because >99% is basically everyone.
Especially when they're offering, for the most part, something you already have, or think you have, in your bank account .. and tend to think very very little about what it is or where it came from .. just that you need it to live and you need more of it to make more of it.
I mean, there's very few moons out there. Earth has one, Saturn has (62?) moons. So the idea that we're even talking about potentially legitimate alternative cryptocurrencies offering the moon means most of us are on another damn planet in regards to where our heads are at.
With that in mind, I must admit that I likely would have had to pay to be on another planet, as I'm pretty sure I started on earth. so my fee paid is in grabbing a rational amount of just about anything that pokes out of bitcoins shadow and seeing what they did.
I like this one, because the developers were there when I had questions, and have been there when I've had more questions. I'm convinced that they'll continue to be here when I have even more questions. That's important .. that they're here and responsive and helpful, because they've convinced me that they'll likely always be here. That's just as important as innovation, of which they have also provided. Electrum seeds, i2p development, GUI development, core protocol development, seeding a community, there's lists of things that have been provided. Not many of these things were available for the US dollar for a few hundred years, save for seeding a community, so I think we're pretty on track here.
Worst comes to worst, it's just tulips
Warning, only fun follows.
The New Horizons spacecraft will be at it's closest on July 14, 2015. It went into it's last hibernation on Aug. 29th and will wake up on Dec 9.
Now look at the charts. Monero was at a high on Aug 29th and it's been downhill from there. Coincidence?, I think not. Therefore we can expect an upswing to start on Dec. 9th. There will be a record high on July 14, 2015 but I'm unsure what it will be. Happy Bastille Day!