If you pay me the 10 grand, I will remove the 0.2% fee from the Mac wallet on http://mropool.org (direct link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/cnywy3xsncfgcfq/Monero%20Wallet-0.2.zip).
You can send it to (XMR): 49Y69CBLmKxd51cKiCcVewe4VUo17zUnWEEyNAgjoUTSepgdgjYMevMa4dY9qHVzMmVWCbhx2Z8CQao 1xS1bWJRKDssysgD
haha! Tell me about it man! Last night I was having a libboost_filesystem 1.55 nightmare spiced up with icu package version conflict just because someone thinks it's "more convenient" to have a linux binary instead of a source code on simplewallet. Simple my ass...
Please would someone put source code of simple wallet out there ...