Is there an idiots guide to creating a wallet so I can buy some coins to put in it or is there far more to it than that?
This might help.
This coin is not a bitcoin clone and so it hasnt yet a graphics interface. Its command line for now. But there is a bounty for GUI and soon there must be one...
Remember to backup your wallet once you create it!
Are you on windows or linux btw?
Thanks for your reply and the link. I've already looked through that and it doesn't make much sense to me I'm afraid, perhaps if I spend some time on it later after work it might.
Yes its the graphics interface part that I'm not used to. Must have been spoiled with all the other coins I've tinkered with .
I'm running Windows 7 64 bit.
I dont have Windows unfortunately but i think that all you have to do is:
1. Create a text file on the folder with the files
2. Put the following in the text file:
@echo off
tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq bitmonerod.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "bitmonerod.exe">NUL
if not %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (
echo Starting node...
start /MIN bitmonerod.exe
) else (
echo Node already started.
tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq simplewallet.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "simplewallet.exe">NUL
if not %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (
if exist wallet.bin.keys (
echo Starting previous wallet...
start simplewallet.exe --wallet wallet.bin
) else (
echo Starting new wallet...
start simplewallet.exe --generate-new-wallet wallet.bin
) else (
echo Wallet already started.
3. Save as the file and where it asks you about name write start.bat
4. Then in the folder a file named start.bat will appear. Just double click it. It will ask you for a password. Put a strong one and remember it! It will be your wallets password.
That's great thank you very much.
I've now got 2 command windows open, the first one (bitmonerod.exe) looks like its downloading the blockchain (black background with yellow scrolling text) and the second window (simplewallet.exe) has my wallet info at the top and a command prompt ([wallet ******].
I assume that I now just have to wait for the blockchain to download?