What does it mean?
Is it unable to reach agreement between Thankful_fot_Today and Monero core team?
Please clarify the situation.
I'm unaware of TFT's intentions. I do know that I chose to trust the binaries only in the OP of this thread, and any other link that surfaces there.
I'm comfortable not knowing the answer to your question, but hope people continue to file into this thread as there seems to be many great folks here.
Actually, I'd like to quote Gavin Anderson here:
1) Can it possibly work (do the ideas for how it works make sense)?
2) Is it a scam?
3) If it is not a scam, could it open my computer up to viruses/trojans if I run it?
I answered those questions by:
1) Reading and understanding Satoshi's whitepaper. Then thinking about it for a day or two and reading it again.
2) Finding out everything I could about the project. I read every forum thread here (there were probably under a hundred threads back then) and read Satoshi's initial postings on the crypto mailing list.
3) Downloaded and skimmed the source code to see if it looked vulnerable to buffer overflow or other remotely exploitable attacks.
If I were going to experiment with an alternative block-chain, I'd go through the same process again. But I'm an old conservative fuddy-duddy.
I'm sure, if you need to have your question answered it can be done by following those steps.