Look in the claymore directory for the last *.txt or log file, I forget. That should tell you more on the mining side.
OK, this is what just ran from the top..
18:13:29:252 3044 args: -xpool NsGpuCNMiner -o stratum+tcp://mine.moneropool.com:3333 -xwal 47a33Ss8j5n9U3fBYKsqQ6EmvbCXHJCJJEKSBudyLWy1AZVWGUXYmNr55W1opa5kZEBsNHoMkgEgwZh
7thLzvgf3JqyU6KM -xpsw x
18:13:29:255 3044
18:13:29:259 3044 º Claymore's CryptoNote AMD GPU Miner v11.2 º
18:13:29:263 3044
18:13:29:265 3044 b533
18:13:29:473 3044 XMR: 1 pool is specified
18:13:29:478 3044 Main Monero pool is mine.moneropool.com:3333
18:13:30:898 3044 OpenCL platform: NVIDIA CUDA
18:13:30:900 3044 OpenCL platform: AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing
18:13:30:907 3044 OpenCL initializing...
18:13:30:910 3044 driver 10.0.2442.9
18:13:30:912 3044 AMD Cards available: 1
18:13:30:916 3044 GPU #0: Oland (AMD Radeon R7 200 Series), 2048 MB available, 6 compute units (pci bus 4:0:0)
18:13:30:918 3044 card 0, m1 2048, m2 1523 w 48
18:13:30:920 3044 POOL version
18:13:30:923 3044 b141
18:13:30:925 3044 Platform: Windows
18:13:31:329 3044 No ASM binary found for GPU 0
18:13:31:428 3044 GPU #0 algorithm ASM, -h 384, -dmem 0 (Memory used: 787MB)
18:13:31:432 3044 Total cards: 1
18:13:44:778 3044 Watchdog enabled
18:13:44:786 3044 Remote management (READ-ONLY MODE) is enabled on port 3333
18:13:44:788 3044
18:13:48:742 2f7c XMR: Stratum - connecting to 'mine.moneropool.com' <> port 3333 (unsecure)
18:13:52:157 2f7c send: {"method": "login", "params": {"login": "47a33Ss8j5n9U3fBYKsqQ6EmvbCXHJCJJEKSBudyLWy1AZVWGUXYmNr55W1opa5kZEBsNHoMkgEgwZh
7thLzvgf3JqyU6KM", "pass": "x", "agent": "xmr/1.0"}, "id": 1}
18:13:52:164 2f7c XMR: Stratum - Connected (mine.moneropool.com:3333) (unsecure)
18:13:52:309 2f7c got 303 bytes
18:13:52:314 2f7c buf: {"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0","error":null,"result":{"id":"678143309336155","job":{"blob":"0606fac1f0d505538589957a4275b5d6862d2033ffa67fbb320565344d02450bae41c8699c6ff30
18:13:52:319 2f7c parse packet: 302
18:13:52:324 2f7c new buf size: 0
18:14:03:098 2f7c got 253 bytes
18:14:03:100 2f7c buf: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"job","params":{"blob":"060689c3f0d505550315ee8c474c3edeac8127c1ad35692ef841c3765f9a0ed31c2d603588b5330
18:14:03:103 2f7c parse packet: 252
18:14:03:105 2f7c new buf size: 0
18:14:03:108 2f7c XMR: 03/28/18-18:14:03 - New job from mine.moneropool.com:3333
18:14:03:110 2f7c target: 0x00029f16 (diff: 25000H)
18:14:03:113 2f7c XMR - Total Speed: 0 H/s, Total Shares: 0, Rejected: 0, Time: 00:00
18:14:03:116 2f7c XMR: GPU0 0 H/s
18:14:14:828 3044 GPU0 t=36C fan=25%