Monero Blockchain is now 26,4 Gb.
Block time is two minutes. The block size is at the moment about 0,35Mb. If remains this level for one year, there will be 30*24*365*0,35Mb = 91980Mb = 91,98Gb more after one year.
And the blockchain size will be 26,4Gb + 91,98Gb = 118,38Gb
Well this sure fits in one SSD. But in future there will be problems. There was some solution found to decrease block size to 1/4. There was something few pages back? I guess in this thread? Could someone find it for me? Monero Team should start implement it.
In the future there will be range proof optimizations, which should cut the size of a transaction by roughly 50%. In addition, pruning will most likely be an option in the future too.
I synced my CLI wallet. I am running Ubuntu on fast SSD. First 1.100.000 blocks came in about 10 hours. Last 280.000 took about 72 hours. Is there any way to speed it up. Internet connection seemed not to be the problem.
Anyway thanks for the Team for great job! Now we enjoy the success.
Please try this to speed up the sync: addition, the upcoming release will include some syncing optimizations, which should, ceterus paribus, improve the sync speed.