To be fair they didn't steal anything and actually have added digisheild which IIRC is a good piece of code for quick diff adjustments or some such thing and they forked the myriad coin algo in to get away from script IIRC when asics hit??? Not sure never followed it just have known about it since it started and never saw a need.
BTW congrats.
I just meant they started as a straight clone of myriad with a premine. They did later add the diff retarget algorithm, which is afaik their only unique feature added.
Btw I lost even after epic big dick Nick performance, but still get runner up prize at least.
Oh w0w, I didn't think you could lose. well in the money 2 years straight with auto pick is not too bad.
PPR sucks.
I must have gotten DGB mixed up with something else, didn't they have this white japanese female looking robot logo at one time? Well anyway its a shitcoin.
Bahh, I hate my memory loss and was pretty certain it started as scrypt as I was thinking of mining it at launch so I did a little search and.
Activated in September 2014 from Myriadcoin source code, this hard fork allowed for multi-algorithm mining. Its purpose was to create a number of different proof of work (PoW) mining methods to accommodate the different types of mining capabilities that exist, such as dedicated ASIC mining, GPU and CPU mining. This allows for a larger number of people to access DigiByte mining pools and therefore it creates a more decentralised blockchain with the coins reaching groups who were unable to mine the coin on its original single-algorithm (Scrypt) fork.[5]
I was correct that is launched as script. It's tough when you can't trust your memory anymore.