No, the limited rate is 0 if you don't verify level one. That's a change to the terms. There should be an opt out, or a least a notice decent period.
I'd have far less of an issue with it just being rate limited, but that's not what happened.
smooth, we have to assume that the people running Polo are rational players who don't want to piss off their customers. They had to have known that making these changes happen within two days was going to do that.
It makes no sense for them, either socially or financially to *want* to piss off their customers.
Polo denies it up and down, but the timing coupled with the fact that they stay silent everyone someone asks them to explain why they choose to implement this policy in two days suggests to me that their hand was forced, and likely they can't discuss it openly.
There is simply no way they would flagrantly pee on their customers like that without good reason. These aren't asshat bankers; they are crypto true believers who recognized the appeal of XMR so much they featured it heavily.
So I think we should be mad at the situation, but not blame Polo too much. It really doesn't feel like their fault.
Lol. I didn't realize this needed to be said. I though everyone just knew this. But uh if it does than, yea, all of that ^