Kraken is now so down, that even trying to click and read that note is difficult.
Now when there is no xmr deposit addresses on my Kraken account, do you think they will claim that I have sent the xmr to an address which is not valid? Well that is not anyway true, I have been very careful about this issue, and checked that the deposit address is not even expiring, that it is valid for sure. Like it has. I have even the screenshot of it.
I recommend now everybody to be very careful with Kraken. I want my monero back.
The amount of xmr is not much in compared to my total xmr so I do not has to go too wild, but anyway it is a quite a lot in fiat, and will be even more in future. So this not really a funny situation.
Dude, this is all about Kraken and nothing to do with Monero. I can understand your frustration and nervousness, but you know the risks that you face when dealing with these exchanges. Anyway, you shouldn't need to worry much. I highly doubt Kraken will want to risk their reputation for a few thousand dollars. Just wait til it all gets better, then if your deposit doesn't show up, go through their support channels. Everyone has to be careful with Kraken and exchanges at any time. Hopefully you aren't using them to store your Monero!