I have to agree with this as well. FP stuck with Monero through the hardest times, and has been a consummate open source manager, AFAICT. In that role his work has been a great boon.
But I do wish Smooth had remained more engaged as the voice of team consensus. I just think his PR sense is better. Right now it's more like everyone speaking for themselves (or more likely, not speaking at all), with FP's voice naturally dominating since he has been willing to hit the road and make appearances, and tweet like a boss.
Fluffy is our pugnacious Captain Kirk, smooth our reserved Mr. Spock. They complement one another. One issue in scaling is that so many passionate Moneristos prize our pseudonymity (or at least relative privacy) and so are shy about entering the public eye. Private advocacy is less scalable than is open. We are awaiting the arrival of our Andreas Antonopoulos, someone with a passion for education, a good technical understanding, and diplomatic skills.