Seriously I don't get it why Monero seems to get so much negging by the media and etc, compared to how much other coins much closer to clear scams (*cough* Dash *cough* ZCash *cough*) are given a clear benefit of the doubt (totally undeserved)...
The power of marketing... Sure, I get that Monero is likely technically superior to Dash. But I still bought some (Dash), because any deficiency Dash suffers in relation to Monero is more than made up by the superior PR campaign of the Dash Team. This has led to increased adoption of Dash, which has increased the market cap, which, in its own way, is also good PR of sorts, a positive feedback loop.
Monero, OTOH, is ignored/slandered, FUDed, and no-one outside the Monero World stands up for it. All the vaunted "advantages" that Monero has over other privacy oriented coins are
useless if it never gets any meaningful adoption, before the other privacy coins get theirs, thus removing Monero from future contention,
in the marketplace.
If Joe Potential-Offshore-Investor is thinking about hiding some money away, and happens to click on a link with a story about anonymous cryptocurrencies, what will he see? Zcash. Dash. Bitcoin + Mimblewimble. And then, almost as an afterthought, Monero. He's a busy guy, and his time is valuable. What is he going to do?
Marketing, Baby. As in, "The Awesome Power Of."
BTW, I also bought some Monero. Because it may succeed without marketing, and I might be completely offbase. But: if Dash had had no marketing, I would never have bought
any Dash. Marketing: it's what Monero is lacking, and why an "inferior" coin can compete against Monero. And maybe win.