Thanks to all above for replies: Just to further try and get my head around all this, here's a further bit of theory for us all to maybe chew on...
Seems possible to me that maybe the purpose of this Epic Pump (if indeed it's what it is? And not something organic?) is intended to "buy legitimacy" for the Dash coin project AT EVEN A VERY EXPENSIVE MARKET MANIPULATION PRICE just because a go-for-broke Hail Mary Pass *will* be necessary if it's going to survive?
In other words:
1. The Master Dashers use up all their firepower ammo in this epic mother of all pumps JUST TO GET their coin UP in market cap rating to #3
2. The TIMING of this just when Bitcoin is going thru the worst point of its scaling political problems is "interesting" to say the least
3. Achieving #3 Market Cap Position, Dash gains very valuable media attention and Internet "chatter" - "success breeds success!" in theory
4. This apparent "victory" of DASH as "King of Alts" as "Bitcoin 2.0" then leads to (they hope?) actual MERCHANT ADOPTION...
5. Merchant adoption provides users someplace to actually spend their Dash at faster and cheaper transactions than FAILING BITCOIN can do!!
6. Virtuous-Cycle of #3 to #4 to #5 continues a while (they hope?)
7. Finally... number #6 goes on long enough to take on its own life BEFORE THE PUMPERS run out of FUEL and the whole efforts crashes and burns...?
What do you guys think...?
Is something like this really going on here, to maybe try and make Dash "real" ??
Is it really just a Poloniex-based, simple P&D operation as seen before, but just THIS TIME on a larger scale than's ever been attempted previously??