I was disappointed and pleasantly surprised at the same time. Pleased the price had appreciated, but disappointed that in 2 years so little seems to have been done in terms of adoption and software. Nothing seems to have really changed, XMR seems only to exist as a hedge to BTC(and has done it so well that it appears to have dethroned LTC) while daily usage has not really made any real headway. The wallet it still clunky, needing the daemon to be sync'ed before opening a barely improved wallet. Maybe I am being too harsh, but it has been over 2 years, not 2 months or even 6 months.
I was pleased to see that Risto, Smoothy, Icebreaker and a few old names are still here and supporters of XMR.
So in summary, over the past 2 days I have bought 945XMR at an average price of about .0104BTC. I am adding them to the 55XMR in my cold storage wallet.
My only question is... should I go away for another 2 years before checking on XMR again?
I would use Monero as a method of payment if there would be more places to use them (sure I could have done it via xmr.to) but it would be simpler just to use btc directly.
In my opinion, using XMR.to is just as simple. Furthermore, with XMR.to you preserve the privacy features Monero offers (i.e. unlinkability and untraceability), whereas paying directly with BTC will make your payment traceable and linkable.
@24Kilo: These year in reviews provide a nice summary of what happened in the last two years.
A lot has happened in 2016 too. Unfortunately, there is no concise write up about this yet. However, you can look at the top threads / stories on reddit to get a bit of the picture: