"the difference between soon and imminent is that soon is occurring within a short time, or quickly while imminent is about to happen, occur, or take place very soon"
I tested it today on Win10 64-bit and it works fine. Some are still having issues running it. It's a beta release, functional, but not finished.
Thanks for all your hard work guys! One question, since you've been testing it how has the windows compatibility been so far... I know that most graphically oriented users will be running some version of windows so, how far back do you go? Like Win 7 or God forbid Vista or XP ? Will it run on Windows Server versions? I'm not advocating for anything in particular at this point but just interested to know.
I wish I were a C++ dev so I could have helped but unfortunately you work with what you got... and I'm feeling too OLD to take it on at my age. Maybe when I can retire from my day job when Monero hit's $100, I'd have time!