On one hand you have XMR and all the other countless cryptonote clone coins which while an interesting experiment into anonymity have proven over the last year or so to be unworkable as mass adoption value transfer systems.
the main stumbling blocks of the Cryptonote clones is is the blockchain bloat that completely rules out mass adoption. if XMR had BTC levels of usage the blockchain bloat would render it unusable overnight.
The second problem is that the ring signatures are exploitable under certain circumstances so the likelihood of serious development taking place to find a solution to the bloat issue is severely reduced.
Why would any professional developer spend the required time to fix the bloat issue if there are other fundamental issues regarding the anonymity provided by the ring signature system?
the final nail in the coffin for mass adoption of cryptonote derived coins is the fact that mercant adoption is hapered significantly by the fact that the API is incompatible platforms developed for BTC, this means that to implement XMP payments a whole new payment platform would have to developed and tested which a huge an potentially disastrous proposition.
DRK/DASH on the other hand has none of the above issues and has the huge benefit of the 2 tier masternode system which is already nearly a year old and provides Instant transactions world leading levels of anonimization and the potential to support future services.
To all newbies:
This is how you know Monero is a scam - the dev's don't spend any time on developing and instead are trying to troll people to *convince* them to sell the competition and buy mooneros.
Just look at the github, once a month maybe they add a line of code or fix a word list, and they still don't have a GUI?
Drk has added second tier (meaning home user's wallets can be masternodes, not centralized) plus instant transactions plus totally unique anonymity, what the hell has XMR done apart from marketing?
And if you ask the devs about the lack of commits on the github they say things like they were there but 'I'm not sure where they all went' https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.10866344
You're being dishonest now. I told you earlier: 1. there is a search problem on github that doesn't show most of my commits (you can however find them if you go through the main list on the project page-by-page, or use the command line tools) and 2. that I'm not the one doing most of the coding.
Furthermore if you follow the project at all you would know that the GUI isn't even at the top of our development priorities. http://getmonero.org/design-goals/
You would also know that there are five GUI wallets.
sorry I never saw you say that your missing commits were a 'search problem on github'. The message I saw you said 'I'm not sure where they all went'. https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.10866344
But the you can prove me wrong now with a link to your comment, and the 'missing' commits?
No thank you. I'll just let you repeat that embarrassing evidence of incompetence and willingness to repeat something even after it has been pointed out as incorrect on your part for a while, then maybe.
i'll just let you keep saying i'm dishonest, then when I ask you to prove what you are saying, you say 'No thank you'.