On the topic of conflict of interest, Mr blobafett2 or blockafett or whatever the fuck you are calling yourself these days, listen carefully.
As a long time active and aggressive Dash supporter and investor you stand to gain if you can discredit me and the "competing" projects that I happen to be associated with. You especially stand to gain if you can muzzle me and then Dash supporters can then continue unchallenged scamming new investors victims by hiding the instamine or making false or irrelevant claims about it such as "the community voted not to relaunch" (see above) or "it doesn't matter because it was redistributed" (again, false even if true but actually false and false).
So if don't believe people with conflicts of interest should criticize others, then STFU and GTFO. Or at least create a sock puppet or something when you are doing it so you don't look quite so catastrophically stupid.
I've always fully disclosed my interests, and also explained my reasons for posting this, so people have fair chance to make their own mind up. That's my whole point, you never do that, whether it's trying to discredit your larger competitors with 1000s of repetitive posts over long periods of time, or now quietly taking over your smaller competitors and building them up with no full disclosure of your conflicting interests with the communities involved - those kind of people are usually the scammers, hence this thread.
That's one of the worst bullshit arguments I've ever heard. First of all everyone knows who the fuck I am, especially on the Dash thread.
Second of all, let's look at my "why the darkcoin/dash instamine matters" thread, which I use as an archive of evidence against the Dash scam, and frequently link when commenting on the topic:
[DISCLAIMER: see disclaimer of conflict of interest at the bottom]
DISCLAIMER: I am a Monero core team member and I do not deny a conflict of interest. Nevertheless I endeavor to be factual and I suggest that readers consider the facts, check the facts, reach your own conclusions about what happened and how it matters today, and finally to avoid the temptation to attack the person stating the facts or the coin(s) with which he might be associated]
(the bold, by the way, is not added, it is in the original)
Which I might add was added very shortly (hours I believe, but I'm not positive, it might have been the next day) after I crated the thread, on my own initiative.
Spare us the concern trolling that people are being misled because they don't know who I am. Nonsense.
It's transparent and pathetic. The real explanation is that you are a Dash troll who only wants to lash out at and (try to) intimidate honest community members, because the Dash scam can't survive and recruit new investors (especially the serious ones you need to actually get anywhere) unless honest critics are silenced, and the ugly history of the instamine, manipulation and insider self-dealing is buried.
Well it isn't going to work.
LOL at the "Let's ban smooth". You couldn't prove my case any more effectively if you tried.