you think somebody after a mins of the release found a block very easy. i have more than 24 hrs before this release @900pps and not found nothing, give more than 3 hrs for check this
I sure hope this was tested before released.
It's likely folks will still find blocks with it, but without running on testnet for a few hours and comparing the results to another build it won't tell us much. Just reduce the prime sieve size on Sunny's client, boom your PPS goes through the roof.
Well, to be honest, I was slightly concerned about changing the sieve size. I'm not 100% sure about the full effects. What I do know is that when you reduce it to 100,000 you stop getting millions of L1 write misses.
I have found quite a lot of blocks on mainnet with the reduced sieve size. I will try to get some better comparison numbers on testnet.