Richard Heart recently stated, that among the top 10 coins Ripple (as he meant XRP) is a shit coin because it has missing blocks (probably total fud, can‘t verify that), totally centralized system, no wallett or walletts no ones using.. wtf, are these arguments legit?
Does arguments are legit and there is a lot more. You can check some here: your year of birth. Lets assume 1998
This is what a proper blockchain (Bitcoin in this case) with that block number looks like any other coin, go on pick a coin and search the block i dare you to show me xrp block number 1998 details. The most you may get is a username as the criminals try to hide the fact as much as possible.
Proper Blockchains do not lose data, databases do it frequently.Liberty Dollar (was before being shut down) and Ripple Inc are both a central company's issuing money.
Thx and here my interpretation what I understood on that regard from the XRP Ledger:
„As an exception, a new genesis ledger has no LedgerHashes objects at all, because it has no ledger history.“
Source: have stated:
„Fact is xrp genesis ledger is Number 32570 (The beginning of the database is lost for ever)“
What should be hidden in the genesis ledger and do you really believe that is relevant for a vehicle for fast bank transactions? I personally doubt you understood the purpose of XRP and that you believe in a conspiracy is pure fud! Sorry for you man, just sorry.