I would like you to consider a proposal to exchange votes for mintpal on XSI.
If you want to coin rose even higher, then do not be greedy and donate XSI on XwnHdWsJvLw6G24CBNK28JH3gyRyq7fhYn and I will make an exchange for votes XSI mintpal.
New offer 5XSS one vote at mintpal, which corresponds to the rate of BTC / XSI 0.00020000
Respectively, to gain 10 000 votes, we need to collect only 50 000XSI.
Rates at the coin falls, I would like to not even be part of the coins went on sale on the stock exchange, and was in support of the votes at mintpal. Now mintpal 14 XSI Stability Shares 7482 and almost half of the vote is my merit. Yesterday and today I will add up to 9,000 votes and stop if you want to voice added, then list the xsi and I will change 5XSI on 1 vote.
We have been been ascending up the coin vote list on Mintpal quite nicely the last week.
I personally don't think we need to buy votes on Mintpal at this juncture.
This posting is also a copy and paste job.