If $XVG keeps increasing in popularity I think it will hit 500 sats before the end of 2017
kel-alt -
Anything is possible. But Verge market cap would have to be almost triple current 147 sat, or about $225
million. It would then be about rank 31 near where TenX is now. Then consider if BTC is double $ by then.
300 sat might be possible, or 150 sat at BTC 8k, or something like $.0125 fairly soon. A recent
Elliott wave YT projection is $3.50, but time was not given. Recent market speculation has total MC at 5
trillion by 2025. Rounding 145m to 200m, divide into 5t and that is about 25x from here...150 sat x 25 is
3750 sat. 25 x BTC $4300 is BTC $107,000 x 3750 sat is $4.03, which is close to the Elliot wave video I saw.
Verge could go up faster due to better features, but with open source those can be copied. I am just hanging
in for the long haul, two-five years. I wish I had sold at $.008 and bought back at $.006, but that is hindsight.
Much safer to have a long term hold.