14MooZUhqu3gXPDGC4aUh3AQFKDs3SZ1MW with approximately 733TH
[2023-02-23 10:34:51.858] Possible block solve diff 63795555612296.203125 !
[2023-02-23 10:34:51.933] BLOCK ACCEPTED!
[2023-02-23 10:34:51.939] Solved and confirmed block 777942 by 14MooZUhqu3gXPDGC4aUh3AQFKDs3SZ1MW
[2023-02-23 10:34:51.939] User 14MooZUhqu3gXPDGC4aUh3AQFKDs3SZ1MW:{"hashrate1m": "762T", "hashrate5m": "733T", "hashrate1hr": "733T", "hashrate1d": "585T", "hashrate7d": "149T"}
[2023-02-23 10:34:51.939] Worker 14MooZUhqu3gXPDGC4aUh3AQFKDs3SZ1MW:{"hashrate1m": "762T", "hashrate5m": "733T", "hashrate1hr": "733T", "hashrate1d": "585T", "hashrate7d": "149T"}
[2023-02-23 10:34:51.986] Block solved after 18302096290838 shares at 46.7% diff
I had been mining for very very little...
Is it you that lucky miner?Pls share the details.