I meant the whole pool hashrate :-P. We're community here
Sorry, mad bad, I thought you were going all in solo, just thought I would let you know that you shouldn't be doing so, but since you are not doing it, that's a relief.
It would be good to know accurate solo chances anyway.
Solochance is pretty accurate, well, the math is rather simple to be honest, I did confirm that Solochance does the math the way it should be done ( I can't find the post but if you dig in the old posts of this topic you will find it).
With that being said, these are nothing but "statistics", luck variance is proportional to your total power, in reality, mining to a large pool only smooths/levels your payouts, a large pool can have a lot of variances and say 50% luck for 10 or 20 blocks, but in say a week or two it's luck will level up/down close to the 100% mark, a single S9 variance can take years to level out, this makes calculating your chances pretty "useless" even with 3PH when the network size is well above 100EH.