looks like the round could happen! Can you give me a quick info about the Hashpower for 24hr with the current amount of collected BTC?
The math is rather simple, you need a few elements.
1- How much the rental collects > found here, you just need to sum it
2- The average rental price >
https://www.nicehash.com/pricingYou should look for https SHA256 or SHA256AsicBoost (side note for ailikun SHA256AsicBoost is usually cheaper)
Current prices are
0.0074 Minumum.
0.0097 - 0.0131 Fixed.
To ensure a stable hashrate for x period you would have to go with Fixed order/s to avoid interruptions, so that puts you somewhere around 0.01 BTC per PH per day.
the current total the rental has is 0.075 BTC so that gives you 7.5PH for 24 hours.
That is just a rough estimation, it can be off by quite a bit depending on how the rental goes, and how prices change.
To estimate your chances of hitting a block you would go to
http://solochance.com/ , with 7.5PH you have 1 in 126 chance in a whole day, or 1 in 18,165 for every block.